Saral Jyotish Part 1

This book is written with the intent to help Astrology students and practitioners to ‘digest’ Astrology knowledge and deeply understand it and apply it in their daily practice. That is why, the author has named this book, Saral Jyotish. The author has simplified Vedic Astrology concepts into easy to understand chunks. For instance, Badhak, Kendradhipati Dosha and Pushkar Navamsha etc.

Fourteen fundamental principles of Astrology are defined, explored and explained. These 14 principles are based on century old classics. Their meaning has been understood in depth; meaning has been analyzed and then presented through simple to understand words and examples.

Author’s belief is that these 14 principles are fundamental to making correct predictions. The author hope’s that this book will sharpen the skills of beginner and professional Astrologers.

Rs 325.00


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