Parivartana Yogas

“Yogas” in astrology, have a distinct link with the predictive part of astrology, which are a creation of different formations of planetary combinations in a horoscope. Astrologically, “Yogas” are typical planetary combinations, individually, or with respect to various “Bhavas”, or “Rashi’s”, which are supposed to confer specific results upon an individual, which may be both good and bad. There are numerous specified “Yogas” in astrology, that have enough relevance as per the classic books of astrology, for an astrologer or a student of astrology to be conversant with. “Parivartana – Yogas”, (Exchange – Yogas), are one amongst such “Yogas” which need a careful study. By Parivartana it is meant an exchange. If an exchange of two planets occurs in a birth chart or two planets exchange their house in a birth chart it results in a Parivartana. When the two lords of different houses mutually interchange places, that is, when they occupy the house of each other, such a disposition of planets constitutes “Parivartana – Yoga”. Planets undergoing such an exchange gain strength and then behave as if they are located in their own houses. It binds the two planets together in producing results of varied nature, depending upon the ruler ships of these two planets in a birth chart, sometimes very good results and sometimes-adverse results as well.

As such an attempt has been made in this book, to amplify and decode the defined parameters of various “Parivartana-Yogas” in astrology and its various variants, as mentioned in the “Classic-Books” of astrology. It has been done through a well disciplined research work on this topic of “Parivartana – Yogas” by applying the relevant astrological norms in this context to various horoscopes, covering the various parameters linked to the subject of “Parivartana – Yogas”. In addition to above “Vipreeta Raja Yogas”, are equally an important formation of “Yogas” as defined in the classic books of astrology. These have been discussed in detail in this book.

Hope this book will provide enough insight into the relevance of “Parivartana – Yogas”, in astrology and will serve as a good guide in this regard.

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