School of Numerology

Numbers are very essential on all events of the universe. Each number from 1 to 9 is a cosmic code with its own characteristics, qualities, good and bad effects. This book of Numerology is the result of 35 years of experience of the author to help the people who have no time and inclination for laborious calculations. It will give the reader answers for any question with the help of a few basic requirements like time & date of birth. It also helps readers to know any person’s character, nature, attitude, and relationships, harmful effects etc.  The knowledge of numbers can be utilized in many ways, for getting rewarding result in day to day affairs or avoiding fatal incidents. This book is simple and scientific, and with a little dedication any reader can master the techniques of numerology.  In addition to these you can also find many unknown information’s of a person’s profession, spouse, family, nature of spouse when you go through the significations of the months.

Rs 120.00

Bhrigu Nadi Principles (Profession & Life style through Saturn & Jupiter)

This book is unique and very handy for the Astrologers to look into the profession and lifestyle of an individual as per Brighu Naadi Astrology. The author has given different methods to know the type of profession, date of entering into the profession etc., by using the placement of Saturn. The case study given in the book is for easy learning the techniques of knowing the pattern of an individual’s profession. In the second part the author has given the guidelines for the readers to know the lifestyle and achievements of the individuals by studying the distance of Jupiter from the other planets. The Author in his book has given easy and precise methods to know the happenings of the incidents in an individual’s life by observing the planets touched by the transiting Jupiter. Author’s main aim is to provide the readers easy methods for precise predictions of profession and lifestyle of an individual.

Rs 225.00

Rahu & Kethu in Bhrigu Astrology

This book which is unique and rare will stand high ahead in disclosing the details of Rahu and Kethu to the lovers of astrological science and also to those who are inclined to do research work on the shadowy planets which are working in the dark. The planets, Rahu and Kethu were treated very lightly, but the author here in his book has individually explained about Rahu and Kethu in a detailed manner revealing their features and strength of their contribution to the native’s life. The author has used his usual method of displaying significations/ effects of Rahu and Kethu in a very unique and different style and has provided a valuable study material in every page of the book. The highlight of this book is multiple information about the planets Rahu and Kethu and treating them as a family circle, through which minute details are magnified and simplified for predictions. Lastly, the author has provided in this book the forgotten methods of offering prayers or poojas to neutralize the effects of Sarpa-Dosham.

Rs 135.00

Predicting Through Astro-Numerology

In this book the first part speaks about significations of planets, signs and houses in a elaborated way. The speciality of this book is formulas in astakavarga system of timing of events, with which readers or astrologers can get exact (month and date) timing of events. In this book readers can also find the ways of judging horoscopes by using both astrology and numerology. Lastly in this book given are the “Hora” hourly astrology for day to day questions and each question is provided with 2 types of calculation methods and 2 types of THUMB RULES both astrologically and numerologically.This book is a handy book with complete astrology for astrologers and learners of astrology. The main motto of the author in his book is to find an astrologer in every reader.

Rs 300.00

Brighu Naadi Sangraha (Pearls of Brighu Naadi)

This book is a master piece, and rare of its kind not only in India but also in the world. The author’s idea of writing astrology books differs from the usual writers, as he simplifies the ways of knowing the happenings/incidents in a person’s life. His first book “Predicting through Astro Numerology” was also different than the usual books wherein he had given two methods of calculation to know the answer for every type of problem. Here also he has made his efforts to simplify the process of understanding different principles and combinations of Astrology to know the exact event and timing of the event in a person’s life. Any reader with a little knowledge of planets and signs can know his age-wise happenings just by glance at this “Astrological Dictionary”. The book not only helps the learned but acts as a “BRAMHASTRA” (Lord Brahma’s weapon) for timing of events.

Rs 175.00