Your Earning Resources & Potential for Prosperity

The book contains the chapter-wise classified planetary settings and combinations of planets in the birth chart of individuals indicating possible sources of earning or gaining it through different sources such as Inheritance, Gifts, Awards, Compensation or Earning through other resources such as Business, Industry, Sale of Property, Agriculture etc. Also planetary settings causing sudden or unexpected losses too included.

Also indications potential of growing rich or other-wise gaining social status too.

Rs 550.00

Your Stars & Married Life

On the basis of astrological studies of birth charts which amply reveal in advance, the physical characteristics, mental aptitude or nature of spouse, background of in-laws family, happy or troubled married life, joy or sorrow from progeny etc.supporting of being preordained.
In this book, attempts have been made to categories (or call of condensing), the knowledge from various sources for those who have developed or are anxious to develop interest in astrology.Part-1 Marriage and related matters Part -2 Astrological studies of female characteristics Part-3 Children

Rs 315.00