Charisma of Kendra Houses

The Lagna is basically a reference point from where the various houses in a chart are numbered. The Lagna is not synonymous with the ascendant although often used interchangeably. A chart should be delineated from a number of reference points, known as “Alternate Lagnas” in order to give us additional clues. The strongest among Ascendant, Moon & Sun should be taken as Lagna. These houses are clubbed into various groups. The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses are called Kendra, Vishnu Sthans, angular or cardinal houses, implying that they are the center or core of the chart. As Lord Vishnu looks after the welfare of the entire universe, the Kendra Houses acting as foundation & pillars of the horoscope sustains the entire edifice of one’s life.
Each of the four Kendras, represent one of the basic goal of human life 1st house is part of Dharma Trikone, 4th house of Moksha Trikone, 7th house of Kaam Trikone and 10th house of Artha Trikone. The Lagna represents soul, self & vital energy, the 10th house karmas of the native, his means of livelihood, name & fame, 4th house all types of comforts, luxuries, property & education, and 7th spouse, partnership, padprapti, foreign settlement, diplomacy & public relations. The cycle of birth, love & care, death and Karma, which sustain life, are well integrated with the strength & quality of Kendra houses.
The Kendras are the major factor in the combinations called Panch Mahapurush and Chatussagar Yoga, which are of rare individual greatness and bestow a great and unique magnetic influence to follow. They also denote native’s dynamic involvement in social environment around him. These are very important houses and all the important events of a native’s everyday life hinge around them. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of these four houses, which reveals the life as it is lived in the physical world. Taken together, they represent the immediate nature of human impulses. As the immediate is the most important aspect of one’s life, the Kendra Houses are of supreme importance.

Rs 225.00

765 Notable Horoscopes

Great savants of astrology have enunciated various rules, theories & hypothesis about various permutation and combinations of planets in a native’s chart. The 12 houses represent the journey of a native from the cradle to the grave. No two natives (and their horoscopes) are identical, even the twins differ. Why & how it happens is to be understood & explained by an astrologer. The basic rule is to proceed from known to unknown to understand the highly complex treatises. This necessitates the availability of a large number of horoscopes on which the various tools of astrology can be tested & understood.
The book provides this basic necessity of large number of keen students & research scholars of astrology. This book provides horoscopes of nine divine deities of different religions and 756 horoscopes of different natives of different times and of different nations. 415 natives out of them are alive as on date. To facilitate proper identification, the charts of natives are given in alphabetical order. To facilitate further, separate index have been given Lagna-wise and profession-wise. Total numbers of vocations have been identified as 27. Each horoscope gives longitudes in degree & minutes, birth details of the native, balance dasha at birth, date & mode of death where applicable & available and few important events of each native. The scholars can derive much more useful information from the data given in the book. It is expected that large astrological fraternity will welcome the book in its present form.

Rs 315.00

Charisma of Upchaya Houses

As per classics there could be four goals in human life- Dharma, Artha, Kaam & Moksha. However in the materialistic world of today, most of us think, plan and act of / for Artha & Kaam only. Artha covers any / all activities connected with finance & livelihood and Kaam includes all types of desires e.g. sex, comforts and luxuries.
Upchaya literally means growth, accumulations, elevation, expansion, improvement, rise, aspiration, profit, gain, prosperity or excess of inflow without much effort and at a much faster rate. Upchaya group of houses contains the best of Artha & Kaam Trikones by excluding their Marka houses (2nd & 7th) and thus includes 3rd, 6th , 10th, & 11th houses. The rest of the houses are called Apchaya houses. The beauty of Upchaya houses is that even natural malefics produce excellent results here. They indicate growth & gain of any or all desires-whether good or evil.
Every desire originates in 3rd house. It is nurtured by strong determination & hard work of 3rd house, pointed concentration & competitiveness of 6th house and 10th house provides controlled Kriyaman Karma to enable desire to be fulfilled in 11th house. Every planet associated with 11th house ensures gain/ profit in its own way. The progress which human beings have made so far, can be attributed to these fighting qualities only. The 6th is a Trika house and 11th a Badhak house for movable lagans. However, this book highlights only the positive aspects of Upchaya houses.

Rs 275.00

Longevity: A Vedic Approach

The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longevity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar.Any prediction made without considering it may make the prediction a laughing stock of both the astrologer and astrology. The time span between birth and death of a native is called his longevity. Longevity and death are not the same but are closely related. However it is not yet clear what death is.
Our scriptures have at various places equated death with different types of Mrityu Tulya agonies which are different from physical death. Again the destiny of each one of us is interlinked with our close kith and kin and our relationship with them is pre-determined, predestined and irrevocable. Death is severing of final link of a native with them. Hence a native’s death must get corroborated / confirmed in the horoscopes of his close relations.
An attempt is made in this book to address all such issues. The book is a study of about 225 natives who had lived and died in different countries at different time, at different age and of different causes, applying known tools of astrology. The book is an attempt to help clear some mist and enable to have a better judgement of longevity.

Rs 325.00

Finance & Profession: A Vedic Approach

The survival and sustenance of human life and all activities on this earth mainly depends on financial prosperity. A vast majority of us think of, talk about and act as per financial considerations. In 21st millennium, money is God, God is money. A high financial status automatically brings power, glory, authority, comforts and friends and covers most of the short comings. People without money lead a life of sufferings & penury unsung, unwept & unhonoured in life as well as in death.
People’s curiosity and inquisitiveness grow more and more in the quest for future financial status & life style. This brings in the necessity of divine astrological consultations which help a native to decide why, what, when, where and how one should act to get the best as per one’s past karmas & present serious efforts. Selection of an auspicious time to start a work and resort to remedial measures when things are not moving as expected are core considerations for any business.
The profession of a native is intimately related to one’s chances and degree of success in acquiring riches & wealth. The number and type of professions are far too many to be counted. The profession is a mean to achieve prosperity, but these days the end results justify the means. More and more people earn riches through dubious means passing through the phenomenon of ups and downs, rags to riches and riches to rags. Hence various professions along with these phenomenons have been discussed in detail with illustrations.

Rs 375.00

Astro Remedies: A Vedic Approach

A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his prarbdha/destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to endure and what one can overcome. Whereas great strides have been taken and wonderful results obtained regarding influence of planets, both benefic & malefic, on human beings, the same can not be said about finding out the remedies for their malefic results. Each remedy is basically a prayer to the Almighty to bail the native out of a difficult situation. It is our Kartvya Karma as part of Prarbdha/Kiryaman Karma to observe remedial actions to keep our body and mind healthy.
In a horoscope, destiny/luck is indicated by 9th house and 3rd house represents Purshartha, the free will or Kiryaman Karma, done with a strong will & belief to smoothen the path of destiny. The life or the path of human development is a story of constant struggle between the destiny and Purshartha/remedies, with dices heavily decked against the later. The success of the remedies rests upon the strong will, belief & faith one has in the remedy and one’s total unconditional surrender before the relevant deity. There are various modes of remedies, one can chose from depending on his faith/belief, like colour therapy & Gems, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra & Rudraksh, bath, fast & charity, propitiation of curses and age old folk treatments of Lal Kitab.All these have been covered in this book as an aide-memoire to a native in his fight against misfortune.

Rs 410.00

Charisma of Trika Houses

The classical texts have condemned Trika (6th, 8th & 12th) houses and their lords as evil with a negative role. These are considered to represent all the anti-forces that act against a native and are held responsible for all the miseries, sufferings, calamities and diseases that befall a native.
However there is nothing absolutely good or bad in the universe. All the houses are part of a divine scheme and have a definite function to perform. Trika houses represent the struggle of life and the capabilities of a native to fight back. Viewing adversity as challenge and not as loss or failure is a positive attitude and elevates one spiritually.
The Trika houses denote unconscious and sub-conscious mind which are vital to understand any native. As the level of consciousness elevates, native’s perception and mode of operation drastically changes and barriers like hatred, jealousy and revenge etc. get dissolved.
It is interesting to note that certain dispositions or Yogas by Trika lords in a horoscope not only shun the evil denotations but also bring fortune, wealth, health and happiness. Mars/Jupiter in 6th, Mercury/Saturn in 8th and Venus in 12th house if placed alone and unafflicted gives excellent results. Benefics and trinal lords if exalted, Yogkaraka or Mooltrikone sign in a Trika house helps a native to rise high in life. This book highlights such positive aspects of Trika houses/lords.

Rs 300.00

Vargas: A Vedic Approach

The Vargas are the unique feature of Vedic astrology which has given it a definite edge over any other system in vogue. The primary aim of studying a Varga is two folds- to study a particular aspect of human life pertaining to a specific house and to find out the true strength of planets related with the house. A horoscope takes into account linear time and vertical declinations of the planets. Every division of zodiac has a corresponding division of time. Hence a Varga gives projections representing possibilities which might occur in different time frames. Each chart gives a microscopic view of a particular facet of life seen in the light of Dasha sequence.
There are many tools available to assess the true strength of a planet. One set of rules rely on PAC of planets, their awasthas and yogas formed by them. The other, Nadi system, studies the effects of lords of sign, Nakshatra and Sub under which a planet is placed. At times these influences change the characteristics of a planet completely. In this book an attempt is made to unite the two systems to get the true strength of planets. In order to understand a planet and its significations in a better way, a comparative study of planets in birth and divisional charts has also been made.
This book shall add to precision and accuracy of probable events and their qualitative effects on various aspects related to a native and as such will be of great use to serious students of astrology.

Rs 225.00

Prashna: A Vedic Approach

The author has discussed the following points in the book
1)Vedic approach to prashna, need & utility of prashna 2)Basic concepts of signs, Nakshatras, Houses & Significators 3)General concepts of horary & time of fructification 4)Mook or secret queries 5) Queries related to Education, success in admission/ competition 6) Marriage & related problems 7)Children & related queries 8) Queries related to property & vehicles 9) Queries related to disease & health 10)Queries related to Theft & Recovery 11)Queries related to litigation & Conflicts 12)Travels & Missing person related queries 13)Queries related to jobs & career 14)Queries related to Business & Finance 15)Some frequently asked Questions 16)93 Illustrations covering various aspects of above queries 17) Miscellaneous Techniques used in Prashna

Rs 225.00

Rahu & Kethu in Bhrigu Astrology

This book which is unique and rare will stand high ahead in disclosing the details of Rahu and Kethu to the lovers of astrological science and also to those who are inclined to do research work on the shadowy planets which are working in the dark. The planets, Rahu and Kethu were treated very lightly, but the author here in his book has individually explained about Rahu and Kethu in a detailed manner revealing their features and strength of their contribution to the native’s life. The author has used his usual method of displaying significations/ effects of Rahu and Kethu in a very unique and different style and has provided a valuable study material in every page of the book. The highlight of this book is multiple information about the planets Rahu and Kethu and treating them as a family circle, through which minute details are magnified and simplified for predictions. Lastly, the author has provided in this book the forgotten methods of offering prayers or poojas to neutralize the effects of Sarpa-Dosham.

Rs 135.00

Predicting Through Astro-Numerology

In this book the first part speaks about significations of planets, signs and houses in a elaborated way. The speciality of this book is formulas in astakavarga system of timing of events, with which readers or astrologers can get exact (month and date) timing of events. In this book readers can also find the ways of judging horoscopes by using both astrology and numerology. Lastly in this book given are the “Hora” hourly astrology for day to day questions and each question is provided with 2 types of calculation methods and 2 types of THUMB RULES both astrologically and numerologically.This book is a handy book with complete astrology for astrologers and learners of astrology. The main motto of the author in his book is to find an astrologer in every reader.

Rs 300.00

Brighu Naadi Sangraha (Pearls of Brighu Naadi)

This book is a master piece, and rare of its kind not only in India but also in the world. The author’s idea of writing astrology books differs from the usual writers, as he simplifies the ways of knowing the happenings/incidents in a person’s life. His first book “Predicting through Astro Numerology” was also different than the usual books wherein he had given two methods of calculation to know the answer for every type of problem. Here also he has made his efforts to simplify the process of understanding different principles and combinations of Astrology to know the exact event and timing of the event in a person’s life. Any reader with a little knowledge of planets and signs can know his age-wise happenings just by glance at this “Astrological Dictionary”. The book not only helps the learned but acts as a “BRAMHASTRA” (Lord Brahma’s weapon) for timing of events.

Rs 175.00

Bhuvana Deepika

This book is on Prasna Sastra, was written by Sri Padma Prabhu Soori. This small work comprises 36 doorways dealing easily the contents like journey & return, disease, health, theft, sale & purchase, pregnancy, dispute etc. Some fundamentals are also given in the first six doorways. The translation in English will be of good use to both the professionals and amateurs in astrology.

Rs 60.00

A Manual of Jaimini Astrology

This book contains Basics of Jaimini Astrology, Argalas & Raja Yogas, Karakamsa, Arudha, Upapada, Female Horoscopy, Longevity, Ayur Dasas, and Phalitha Dasas

Rs 75.00

Jaimini Sutramritam

This book is such that the astrologer could grasp easily and correctly the aspects, argalas, arudhas, raja yogas, ayur dasas, phalitha dasas etc also because of charts illustrated where ever necessary.Forsure this could be a guide to every aspirant to Jaimini predictivity.

Rs 260.00

How to time an event

This is the first work in which an attempt has been made to scientifically put to practice concepts relating to progression only hinted at in Bhrigu Samhita of the hoary past. This is a unique attempt that has been successfully employed to time events correctly.
The question of timing of events has remained unanswered for long. It has been said that only with a well developed sense of intuition can an astrologer correctly predict the time of happening of an event. The author in this book has shown that with correct application of classical techniques it is possible to predict an event accurately. These techniques have been enunciated with clarity in this book and their use has been explained lucidly with charts drawn from real life.

Rs 350.00

Vedic Progression

This book deals with Vedic progression. The Samhitas like Bhrigu and Arun,and the Nadis have used this technique to make astounding predictions relating to a very large number of birth charts that they have analysed.This technique had gone into disuse over the last few centuries. Desultory efforts were made in the recent past to rediscover it but without any success. The author has worked on it for long. He has described the technique very lucidly in the book and has successfully shown its application to a large number of birth charts of celebrities and common persons. It is a powerful instrument for an overall predictive study of the future of an individual. The book is a unique attempt at resuscitating a part of India’s lost astrological tradition.

Rs 325.00

How to read a Birth Chart (Vedic Astrology made simple)

This is a primer for a lay man to pick up a rudimentary knowledge of Indian Astrology. Interest in Indian astrology has shown an astounding upsurge in the recent years. Books on the technical aspect of the subject are available in good number, but for a person who wishes to start from the very beginning, the choice is very limited. There is a feeling of void. The need of a book that avoids the jargon and that in simple language takes the reader through the fundamentals of the subject was long felt. The author has tried to fill the gap. A person, wishing to learn Indian astrology, can now do so by going through this small but very comprehensive book. It lays bare the essential principles of Indian astrology necessary to understand the intricacies of a birth chart

Rs 125.00

Book of gem stones (Gems their occult & remedial powers)

The book is intended to arouse the interest of people in the astrological efficacy of gemstones.The book provides scientific basis for those readers who are discerning and have scientific temper.The subject in the book has been dealt in a logical manner and also provides modern scientific details of gemstones like composition and other chemical properties.The book contains large number of illustrative examples,which will help readers and astrologers in understanding the use of gemstones.

Rs 100.00

Know about Charms, Talismans and Spells

Among charms we find gems, jewels, coins, vases, goblets, stones, weapons, herbs, trees, skull, bones, buildings, animals, water, human beings, there is also that large section called spells where the charm consists of a formula of words or written characters often the object and formula being used in conjunction which are known as talismans.
They may also be classed as individual, family, tribal and national. Classification of charms is a difficult matter for the forces at work though sometimes distinct will often unite and work in conjunction. There are many forms of words and designs by means of which certain occult results are supposed to be achieved, these are usually called spells.
The book covers the matter related to charms, talismans and spells in length. It also tries to tell every aspect related to this subject. The author has associated the subject with Astrology so that the readers could achieve more through it

Rs 180.00