The Vaidika Naadi Numerology (Sacred Science of Numbers)

  1. The year is based on Brihaspati Mana of 60 year cycle.
  2. The Month is based on Panchanga Chaitra to Phalguna,
  3. The 30 thithi substitute the date of birth.
  4. The total is Antargata Sankhya
  5. The signification of Antargata sankya is based on Naadi system grouped according to Pancha Bhuta
  6. The innovative Time cycle resembles Classical Dasha system.
  7. The unambiguous gem selection system is unique in Naadi Numerology
  8. The God table is a guide for gem remedies
  9. The entire working system is practically explained with examples.

Rs 400.00


Actually, this book is propelled by the power of a couple of shlokas that opened up the new horizon to ease applicational parts of Muhurtha. Something else, there is an armada of books of Muhurtha that rehashes similar stuff in various dialects including English. Classics on this subject are perfectly clear in their suggestions with numerous discretionary computational information, that should go into outlining an intergalactic time span for the ideal occasion. The round of understanding endured in the possession of the lesser-known or unrelated self-claimed experts. In fact, the muhurtha is the symphony of interference of invisible parallel world that demonstrates its concurrence either to benefit or loss of an undertaking in the physical plane.

Universally set such stage needs wisdom to individualise to suit the desired event for a profitable progress. This art of synthesis is beautifully orchestrated with several microscopic alternatives to set in tune.

  1. Explores many divisional components.
  2. Art of synchronizing the Tara or Chandra bala
  3. Explores the fineness of muhurtha, with details of, Thithi and its Thityamsha, Vara and Hora, Nakshatra and its Muhurtha and Naadika parts, with all micro Yogas, avoidable, exemptions are all discussed in respective chapters.
  4. Importance of Naadika
  5. Ceremonies and Muhurtha
  6. Besides classical Muhurtha, Shiva Muhurtha, Bhargava Naadika, Pancha Bhoota Tatwa, Grahakala muhurtha and their exclusive application is described.
  7. Most of the conventional Muhurtha events with their prescribed essentials will be handy for fixing Muhurtha.
  8. There are many traditional astrological planetary categorisation to decide their functions for each Lagna.
  9. Some of the secrets of Muhurtha, are directly linked to many of Astrological principles that shall be very much useful for Birth chart analysis.

This exercise manual on Muhurtha is valuable for Beginners and the Astrologers. It stimulates the clerics to investigate the choices endorsed by sages to fix Muhurtha.

Rs. 550

Remedies Orthodox Astrology

Remedies means doing a positive process to remove the negative effects. Negative effects are assed by

  1. Bhava Analysis – The House afflicted by planets needs remedies to reduce the negativity.
  2. Bhava Adhipathi – Lord of the house if weak needs remedies.
  3. Karaka of the House or Natural Karaka if afflicted needs remedies.
  4. Dasha Lord needs remedies because he gets Yoga or Avayoga status.
  5. Then there are certain general remedies required through astrology.

Never there has been a book covering in detail and accurate remedies recommended either through right Gem, Yantra, Mulika or by Graha Puja, Graha Shanti, Graha Japa in an orderly manner. The present book REMEDIES ORTHODOX ASTROLOGY by Satyanarayana Naik published by Sagar Publication fulfils the remedies in its entirety.

Rs 650.00

Naadi Astrology- Transit Secrets

This is the book based on the works of Guruji Sri R.G. Rao in general and specifically an extended version of Transit results of Rao’s System of Naadi Astrology.  This Book is structured :

1.         Rules of Transits in Rao’s System of Naadi Astrology

2.         Fast moving planets results in Transit

3.         Primary transit of four slow Moving planets – With Sanskrit Prose and detailed results in English

4.         In the Primary transit Link of Natal Destiny Breakers and linking of other Natal Planets for important life events.

5.         Simultaneous transit of other fast moving planets.

Noting down the results of slow moving planets and Fast moving planets on individual Natal planets and then note the results of combination of Primary planets Natal Destiny and other planets for events of life and then also read the Simultaneous transit of other fast moving planets. Total will give wide range of results that would be easy for an Astrologer to delineate appropriate results.

This book is dedicated to Guruji Sri R.G. Rao.

Rs 750.00

Vedic Nadi Secrets in Sastriya Jyotisa

The contents of this book having its classical base will explore many secrets of Naadi. It is an integrated overview (not a system) having independent approaches explained for both Naadi and Classical methods. It opens up new horizons in application. This book contains a few Varga secrets which are basically Naadi approach with classical structure.

Every component is explained independently without any efforts to fuse two systems to confuse or claim discovery of a new system. This is an effort to explore the information useful for both Naadi and Traditional approach.

The Book is divided into 7 Chapters.

Rasijam: Use of minute components both of space and quality are explained. Grahajam: How the default approach is common for both Traditional and Naadi is discussed here with planetary significations and their relationship with human psychology is explored. Rasi Grahajam: Explains the use of minute components and its influences on Planets. Bhavajam: The collective signification of planets compartmentalized in 12 Bhavas and the methods of analysis as Bhava including special use of Varga in Nadi is explained. Yogajam: Planetary yoga and their effect on timing of events and their use in transit of planets in Naadi is discussed. Samayajam: A brief introduction to Dasha system is explained which will be helpful to determine the effects of planets during certain period and match the same with Nadi transits.

We are sure that this Book will serve as a toolkit on both Classical and Naadi lovers.

Rs 1100.00

Prediction Secrets Naadi Astrology

This book has extended details of transit, elaborated planetary combinations and is extensively improved than earlier version. This will be a hand book on Naadi Astrology.



Rs 700.00

Roots of Naadi Astrology

Roots of Naadi Astrology is a practical study material on different Naadi systems selected from classical and modern works. The author has experimented on applicability of the rules from these Naadi systems. In this monumental work he restricts himself in presenting the most useful principles and avoids unnecessary texts. He puts his logical observations while presenting the topics. He covers the following great works in this volume.
1. Dhruva Naadi ( Satya Jataka)
2. Universally applicable rules from Chandra Kala Naadi
3. Bhrighu Nandi Naadi
From Modern works he selects applicable Naadi principles of
1. Stellar system that uses Component of Panchanga
2. Stellar system that uses Jeeva and Sareera principle
3. Stellar system that uses Dasha Bhukti divisions in zodiac
Throughout the book he uses an example horoscope to establish the applicability of the rules in different Naadi systems .

Rs 350.00

Prashna Hora (Horary Astrology & Cosmic Psyche in Classical & Nadi)

This book deals with Horary Astrology in general and Naadi Prashna Hora in particular. The author has included brain wave psychology establishing the origin of question and the functional conscious theory. He has merged the philosophy of karma with super conscious and hardwired mechanism in brain functions besides proving that the occult matters dealt in Prashna Marga are the science of highest order which can be proved by neuroscience. In his conscious theory he brought out the relationship of Kendra and Kona houses and the other houses which are resultant interchanging transitory effect between Kendra and Kona and vice versa. The primary importance given to Kendra in Shatpanchasikha is well established in a separate chapter. With unfailing principles in Naadi supported by ample practical case studies, this book is a perfect guide to horary astrology.

Rs 275.00

Celestial Matrix in Naadi Astrology

A unique system of analysis based on zonal effect of rasis and planets posited therein and influenced by other planets from specified places is the main principle of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi expounded by R.G.Rao of Bangalore. Based on his works earlier book “Prediction Secrets- Naadi Astrology” was published.
In the process of experimentation with the combination of the planets it was found that every birth has a set-pattern of planetary positions. The matrix formed at macro level indicates the purpose of the birth. At micro level with zonal and star influences detailed study of nativity will reveal many secrets. The star level needs to be explored with details of stars from the sacred texts. But the place of birth having different Year Lords, Month Lord the Day Lord, Hora Lord and Sub Hora Lord have equal influence in differentiating nativities. In this book an effort is made to identify the matrix at macro level for certain births.
A deep analysis with the aid of Hora Lords etc. will definitely give the purpose of birth. Even with little efforts we can go to previous births. The horoscope of yogis are dealt with reference to Sub Hora Lords. There is also an example of analysing horoscopes having similar planetary combinations.
This is a beginning of research in Naadi Astrology and the days are not far to reach the truth behind the Celestial Matrix influenced by subtle bodies. This is a handbook on Naadi System for the students and astrologers to develop further in the subject.

Rs 100.00

Orbital Providence (Scholarly Exposition on Naadi Astrology)

This book deals with set pattern of karma for a particular individual which is again based on orbital providence. The effect of space significations and the dynamic planetary significations of each individual denotes the purpose of life. This Orbital Providence is a secret which can be analysed through Naadi system. The author, in this scholarly exposition sets the pattern to delineate karma of individuals from different walks of life. He also suggests necessary modifications to celestial significations. Several components from classical astrology are being re-introduced to fit in to Naadi astrology. With the restricted fundamentals, which forms part of essential reading, the author includes new techniques throughout the example. Doubts on Naadi system are clarified in a separate chapter.

Rs 200.00

Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha

The present research work on the Naadi is unique in its presentation and it has many hitherto untold secrets of astronomy relating to astrology. Many astronomical mechanisms are set in astrological aphorisms to delineate material and metaphysical aspects of life. In this work the author has established every rule with practical examples enabling to grasp logic in application. Apart from giving detailed method to study the horoscope, many remedial measures are given to overcome inimical effects of planets. This book is divided into many sections catering the needs of novice to expert in the field of astrology. In the 2nd part of the book the author introduced the team efforts in the field of classical works and rare remedial measures. This book is a treasure of knowledge and worth a prime place in personal library.

Rs 750.00