Know about Predictive Techniques

The study of any horoscope is based on analyzing the Natal chart. It is important, as in any other science; to start from the basics and the basic fundamentals should always remain the base. In this book the author has tried to explain the first principles which are important while making predictions and working on them. He has also tried to explain about certain planets such as Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu which are usually the dreaded planets. Also have briefly touched on the predictive techniques while talking about financial prospects, education and marriage. This book will be equally useful for amateur and research scholars.

Rs 400.00

Know about Rahu & Ketu

The Rahu and Ketu relate to the lunar nodes. The nodes are only planet which are a direct
result of the relationship between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. The aim of this book is to give a detailed analysis of the lunar nodes. The author has tried to get into the aspect of the nodes in terms of their significators, rulership, aspect and timing of the events. Also the author has dealt with the association, combination, transits and the Yogas which result due to the nodes. He has tried to comprehensively deal with all the aspects with respect to Rahu and Ketu including propitiation for them.
Rahu and Ketu are dreaded though they are two nodes of the Moon. The axis, there placement, depositors and Yogas are important and influence our actions. This book dwells into various aspects of the two planets that have been researched and analyzed. This book tells about the two Karmic Planets and both the students as well as those pursuing astrology will find it useful.

Rs 535.00

Know About Jupiter & Saturn

Rs 275.00
The role of Jupiter and Saturn is extremely important in analyzing the strength of the horoscope as Jupiter indicates the potential and Saturn tells the inherent energy which the person possesses to accomplish things in life. This is a book which would be useful for students as well as those advanced in the study of astrology. From the basics it goes into aspects and the impact of conjunctions, placements, Nakshatra and results due to conjunctions which have been explained in context to the Nadi system.

Rs 275.00

Bhrigu Samhita (Predictive Techniques Deciphered)

This book, first of a series, gives an indepth study of the various permutations and combinations which can result in forecasting events so as to help both the astrologer and the native in getting to know of a system and principle which the traditional form of astrology does not clearly bring forth.

Rs 285.00

True Astrology: Basic & Traditional Concepts

This book is not a conventional and obtuse book on astrology.A person who accepts astrology as a dynamic, wonderful, majestic, practical and humanistic science has written it. To him astrology is, at bottom, a criticism of life. It is written in a simple and most scientific way. With a little dedication a reader can master the techniques of analyzing a horoscope. Chapter on Navamsa and its significance needs special attention even of experienced astrologers. The book is intended to prepare the readers to comprehend the advanced predictive techniques using Kalamsa and Cuspal interlinks theory.

Rs 300.00

Kalamsa and cuspal interlinks Theory

The theory of this book is the outcome of the sincere dedicated research of the author in the field of astrology.It is in tune with the navamsa and nadiamsa concept of Nadi astrology.The aspiring reader will doubtless find it a exposition of sound techniques of predictive astrology.It is the author’s magnum opus and superbly illustrates the true value of the sacred science of Astrology.How to analyse the horoscope to determine what is promised for the native for all walks of human life has been explained in simple and scientific way.Timing events and use of transits are often thought of as complex and incomprehensible.It is dealt in very clear ,practical and illustrative way.It can in no way be taken as unequivocal dogma.All that the reader needs is an accurate horoscope.

Rs 475.00

Your True Horoscope :Birth Time Rectification

This is a rare book on birth time rectification.It is based on the philosophy that human being essentially consists of body,mind and soul.The astrological birth time of each individual is specific.It is defined as that when the incarnated soul takes possession of the body.It defies the capability of the doctor to note it correctly.It is the responsibility of the astrologer to construct the true horoscope of the individual that should simulate conditions to reflect his genetical connections,individuality,personality and the complete life pattern.How an astrologer can do it has been explained in this book in simple,lucid and scientific manner.The reader will find this book to open new vista both in the field of predictive astrology and rectification of birth time.

Rs 350.00

Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks

Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks is a rare book on predictive astrology based on the sub-sub and cuspal interlinks theory. It is in tune with the Nadi and Navamsa concept of Nadi Astrology. Nobody has yet made any attempt to handle the subject of Horary Astrology in such a simple, lucid and scientific way. Topics pertaining to each house have been dealt to enable the reader to master the scientific way of predictive techniques. The treatment suggested in the book is definite and orderly. Timing events and use of transits have been explained in very clear, practical, illustrative and rational basis. The theory is supported by sufficient practical illustrations.
Hope the efforts of the author to unearth the ancient concepts of Astrology will make the readers proud of Astrology.

Rs 475.00

Key To Learn Sub Sub & Cuspal Interlinks Theory

Key to Learn Sub Sub & Cuspal Interlinks Theory is written with the sole objective of enabling the readers to master the fundamental concepts of Cuspal Interlinks Theory as achieved by the participants in the lessons presented in the workshop conducted on MSN Groups KCIL.
Each Lesson is written in simple, lucid and easy to learn style and has a Practice Exercise which provides the reader with an opportunity to test his comprehension. Answers of each Exercise are placed in the end of the book.
This book however, is not a substitute for the book on Kalamsa and Cuspal Interlinks Theory. If the reader masters the contents of this book, he will be able to use the concepts illustrated in the books on Natal and Horary Astrology much quicker and easier.
Sub Sub & Cuspal Interlinks Theory is in tune with the Navamsa and Nadiamsa concept of Nadi Astrology. The reader will find that it offers sound techniques of predictive astrology.
How to analyse the horoscope, to determine what is promised for the native for all walks of human life, has been explained in simple and scientific way. Whilst timing events and use of transits are often thought of as complex and incomprehensible, it is dealt with here in a very clear and practical way with many actual case studies.

Rs 300.00

Basic Astronomy for Astrologers

Study of astrology is linked with the study of Astronomy.Our ancients had thorough knowledge of astronomy which they gained by studying the movement of Sun,Moon and planets against the background of the stars.They also noted apparent correspondences between the planetary configuration in the sky and events in their lives.Astronomy and Astrology were thus very much linked together.But astrologers today are more occupied with their computer screens than with what really happens in the heavens.They talk about retrograde planets,and retrogression,the concept of Ayanamsha due to precession of equinoxes;without being completely aware of the philosophy behind them.The study of astrology demands an elementary knowledge of Astronomy.After all,what is happening in the sky is the basis of Astrology.If you do not understand what is happening up there,you do not really know what you are talking about when you look at a horoscope.This book is an attempt to make both the students of astrology and the professional astrologer conversant with the relationship between Astronomical reality,and the cryptic information contained in a horoscope.Topics like retrogression,precession,role of the extra-saturnines,missing dates,extra dates and nodal axis are all lucidly dealt with and with no mathematics involved !

Rs 70.00

Lal Kitab (Application of principles & Curative Measures)

Lal Kitab, in reality, is a treatise on Samudrika Shashtra.As such, it treats the birth chart with supplementary knowledge of palmistry and Vastu Shashtra in prognostication.Present work is an endeavour of the author to translate the difficulties, problems and requirements of a layman, students and professional astrologers.

Rs 375.00

Yantra Mahima

Literally, yantras means ‘instruments’ and in Hindu scriptures they are  attributed to different Gods and Goddesses.  They are used in the form  of different metals articles and herbs. In Hindu Shastras yantras are held in high esteem and prescribed by astrologers and tantkriks to ward off evil effects of planets, souls etc. There are other uses such as Vashi karan, Uchattan, Sthamban, Vidveshan and Shantikaran in six rites besides the spiritual usages.

Yantra is the medium through  which the invincible force or energy acts on an individual. For that, the sanctity of the medium should be  sustained  and the person who wears it may also  recite  mantras to enhance the efficacy of the yantra.

These are beneficial only to those who follow the prescribed rituals sincerely to get relief from the problems due to any dosha.

The book deals with yantra pooja, design of yantras, the mantras being used for worshiping the yantra, energising (praan prathishtha) the yantra and other usages of the yantras.

This book is the first part of our work on tantra, mantra and yantra. The contents of this book are purely based on old Sanskrit classics. A detailed method of worshiping the yantras is given in the book which would  be  beneficial  for  the  readers.

Rs 500.00

Remedies through Mantras

This book is a compendium of the work on Tantra, Mantra and Yantra. This book is purely based on Old Sanskrit classics. In this book the authors have tried to associate the mantra shastra with astrology. In addition to this, some of the problems of the devotees have been addressed in the work on mantra sadhana. It deals with mantras for worship, sadhana, appeasing of deities, will power, concentration and many other aspects on mantra sadhana.

Rs 330.00

Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab was christened thus due to its red outer cover probably keeping in view the auspiciousness of the colour in hindu mythology.This book deals with the oceanic knowledge of occult, a science based on palmistry/phrenology and other associated fields.Though it is a part and parcel of Vedic astrology, its contours are different and has its own grammar.For Example, the house of ascendant would always be No.1 irrespective of the position of the planets.

Rs 800.00

Hora Makarand

“Hora Makarand” seems to have been penned by the author with a view to synthesizing views of various earlier writers ranging from Parasara to Satyacharya and Vatahamihira needless to mention that in the historical chronology of writers on astrology,Varahamihira is most authentic and presents a both platform for further research and allows modifications of interpretations to suit the contemporary terms.And this text should be seen as another further step in this direction initiated by Varahamihira.This book is of great value to the scholars of astrology as well as to the students as it has been composed after studying the work of great sages.

Rs 150.00

The Rahu & Ketu Experience

Mr Prash Trivedi is the first astrologer to put together an exhaustive, historical, numerological as well as esoteric account of the Lunar Nodes, including a masterful perspective on their relevance in the present day and age.

Rs 375.00

The Book of Nakshatras

It is common knowledge that the 12 star-signs map the sky and set the stage for the drama of life. This book expands this awareness manifold by revealing that it is the 27 constellations, and not the 12 signs, which truly map the ecliptic and provide the celestial backdrop for affairs on earth. Instead of taking away from the widely recognized meanings and significations of the 12 signs, they enrich them with a whole new depth of perspective and interpretation.

Rs 700.00

Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach

The author has covered divisional charts, special ascendants, arudhas, argalas, yogas, ashtakavarga, avasthas, a few Nakshatra dasas, a few rasi dasas, and several techniques of transit analysis, Tajaka analysis and a few miscellaneous topics.

Rs 500.00

Understanding the Moon Nodes

This book is a must for all Astrologers who want to include the power of the nodes in their work.It is not a book on past lives or psychology.It makes factual statements about what the nodes mean and do in this life span.This is a tremendous book of information,not only on the nodes,but general astrological knowledge as well.

Rs 135.00