Predicting the Nifty & Sensex

PredictingTheNiftyAndSensex_COVER_ForWebThis book contains detailed and systematic study of price movements, upside and downside, in the indices Nifty & Sensex, with the help of astrological variables like nakshatra, tithi & yoga as well as solar ingression into various signs of zodiac. All these have been practically experimented and have been verified and explained with the help of 10 years of empherical price data of nifty along with the application of the principles and variables of astrology. With the application of these findings the author has been able to successfully predict the intraday direction of the indices Nifty & Sensex, stock markets and the rise and fall in the stock prices for years.

This book is likely to help the traders of Nifty & Sensex futures, as well as for the option traders who love to trade in Call & Put options of Nifty & Sensex. It will also help the intraday and short term traders of Equity Stocks buy determining the trend & direction of the broader market Indices of the Indian Equity markets, namely the Nifty & Sensex. Hence all the traders can plan their moves accordingly by predetermining the nerves of the markets.

The entire analysis has been systematically arranged in a month wise manner with respect to the transit of Sun, or the Solar ingress into the various signs of zodiac, in order to make the use of this book and astrological principles simpler to the traders, so that they may be able to easily select the principles month-wise and apply them easily to predict the market using any ordinary panchang calendar, where they may be able to find the nakshatra, yoga and tithi for any particular date.

This book is the next elaborate research work in continuance of the author’s previous book, “Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles”. This book is based on the years of aggressive research on Stock Market Astrology, in the study of astrological influences on the financial markets and price movements especially and specifically in the market indices Nifty & Sensex. This book has been written after more than two and a half decades of the author’s hard work, research and professional experience in the field of astrology, and after the 14 years of dedicated aggressive research in the application of astrological principles in predicting the movements of indices Nifty & Sensex in the stock market.

Rs 650.00

Medical Astrology

Medical astrology is a specialized branch of Vedic astrology. It is an extraordinary predictive and counseling tool. A horoscope indicates good, bad or indifferent traits and physical, emotional or spiritual characteristics of the native as per the Karmic flow. A chart is only the representation of one’s Karmic implications in one’s life through planetary influences. The medical astrology helps in understanding well in advance where the human chain is the weakest in the physical body and why. An astute astrologer will be able to diagnose disease and the diseased body part merely by analysis of the horoscope. He should be able to tell the susceptibility or the resistance which a native has for a particular disease. He may be able to tell the period of onset/ recovery from the disease and can also suggest the remedial measures to reduce its severity without any side effect. Once this is known, it will be easier for medicos to quickly arrive at the cause and place of diseased body part and the treatment to which the patient will respond.

The diseases are generally indicated by the malefic influences of planets. Houses, signs and Nakshtras wherein the planets are placed indicate tendencies, susceptibility, resistance and potential of various ailments in the body. When these potential will manifest depends upon the dasha periods and transit of planets. The numbers of diseases which a native may have to encounter are numerous. However this book touches upon 112 diseases with the help of 102 illustrative charts. The last (16th) chapter of this book is devoted to common astrological remedies with a new Karmic and practical point of view to propitiate evil planets causing ailments.

Rs 300.00

Longevity and Un-natural Deaths

This book has been written on the issue of analyzing longevity of nativities as well as the astrological combinations offered by planets and stars.The analysis is based on Nakshatra system where the star lord is given prime importance.

The book is written after taking 95 natal charts of various famous personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Indira Gandhi, John F Kennedy, Rajiv Gandhi, Deen Dayal Upadyaya, William McKinley, James Garfield, Madhav Rao Scindia, Princess Diana Spencer, Gulshan Kumar, Pope John Paul II, Benazir Bhutto, and many others.

The concept of Longevity is always a challenge for any astrologer to decipher and predict. It requires deep and methodical analysis of various horoscopes with practical and logical outlook, for one to acquire such skills with efficiency.

The role of houses such as 01, 06, 08 along with Saturn and Mars, and their link with houses such as badhaka and maraca has been explicitly explained and pin-pointed with detailed analysis. Violence is crime, but they do take place on everyday basis in this world. The book also deals causes and reasons with accidents, assassinations, and self effort to eliminate one’s physical presence.

Rs 275.00

Understanding Vimshottari Dasa

To fix the possible time of happening of an event in the life of an individual is a difficult matter. Vimshottari dasa is a commonly used tool to do it. Parashar has given several dasas but he has himself expressed his view that of all dasas Vimshottari is the most suited one for our times. It is a very commonly used dasa among astrologers today.

It is essential to be clear about the principles involved and about the practice of those principles. These principles are universally applicable. The dasa gives astoundingly correct results when applied strictly according to these principles. The author has stated the principles very clearly. The reader will realize the ease with which this dasa can successfully be used when it is applied according to the principles stated in this book. A very large number of real life charts have been analysed in the book to clarify the few principles that are involved.

Rs 200.00

Charisma of Planets: Timing Events

Astrological analysis has two components. The first is the deduction of likely trends in the life of a native. This determines the basic promise of a horoscope. The second, and more important, is to determine the time when the relevant events, according to the promise, would happen. The first part requires astrological knowledge & calculations etc; while for the second part great perception, synthesis, intuition and divine help are required. Astrology is basically the art & science of deciphering the characteristics & impulses gathered by various planets by their position/ movement and their synthesis. It is the basic characteristics of planets as modified by various impulses/ vibrations which they receive and then imparts on the native. Essentially one has to understand planets- their relationship with houses, signs & Nakshtra and their roles as lords of sign/ houses, Nakshtra or its subdivisions, as dasha lords or their day to day transit with respect to their natal position or standard specific points like natal Moon, natal ascendant or dasha lords. This not only helps in understanding the basic promises, but the timing of their fructification as well.

Rs 200.00

A Guide to Palmistry

There have been innumerable requests for writing a book on Palmistry. The author has written a book that gives the basics of this science.Palmistry has been there from the early ages and we find literature where Sanskrit language has been used in explaining issues of this science in the early Vedic ages.In this book the author has tried to explain the uniqueness of each hand and as to how it helps in deciphering characteristics.In the science of hand reading importance is given to the shape, size, lines and the marks on hand. These have been dealt in details through various chapters in the book.Palmistry is in no way related to the science of Occultism but can be divided into two parts viz the art of reading character from the shape of hands/ fingers and the science of reading the actions and habits. Also it gives an insight of the future if one is able to correlate the shape of the hand with the lines marked thereon.The author has in the various chapters tried to explain various factors like the size, shape, texture, lines and marks that help in deciphering character and the actions that a person is prone towards.This is a basic book on Palmistry which will be useful reading to all. One could develop on these basics for a greater understanding of the subject.


Rs 210.00

Delineating a Horoscope

Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth. A horoscope is basically a map of zodiac indicating position of planets in various signs/ Nakshatra at the time and place of birth. The delineation of a chart is the science and art of deciphering it as per the knowledge, intuition of the astrologer and divine help available to him. Therefore the first requisite is to have sound knowledge of nature and characteristics of houses, signs, Nakshatra and planets and their inter-relation. Next comes the basic tools like dasha, transit, yoga and divisional chart and their application in delineating a horoscope. Lagna is the single most important factor in delineating a horoscope. It is the very being of the native, his élan vital & basic potential. Unless the seed of a specific quality or event is contained in this basic potential, other planetary indications will not find suitable opportunities for manifestation. Lagna also determines the numbering of houses with lagna being the first. With the change in lagna, the significations of any planet will change drastically, as his house & lordship changes, although the sign & constellation of the planet remain unchanged.

Rs 300.00

An Analytical & Innovative Approach to Astrology

1. Provides 100 authentic Natal charts and how to interpret them using simple Astrological principles.
2. Explains Key Astronomical concepts relevant to astrology through coloured diagrams.
3. Integrates constellations, Zodiacs and Nakshatras through diagrams and provides examples for each Zodiac-Nakshatra type.
4. Provides 100 collective case studies across 17 Personality types and Psychological weaknesses in a chart.
5. Transits and Predictive techniques explained through a Unique Magical formula.

Rs 375.00

ROGA-MARGA (The Strength of Ayurvedic Treatment)

The author has received a good response for his first book. Therefore, he was encouraged to write this second book, which is a sequel to the first book. He wishes to share some of his clinical experiences with the readers. Results of these Rasayanas were astonishing, which has prompted him to narrate about some of his patients. This should give the readers a glimpse about the Strength of Ayurveda – the Ancient Indian Medical Science. He sincerely hopes that this book gives an idea that Rasayana as described in Ayurveda can do wonders in healing.

Rs 250.00

Roots of Naadi Astrology

Roots of Naadi Astrology is a practical study material on different Naadi systems selected from classical and modern works. The author has experimented on applicability of the rules from these Naadi systems. In this monumental work he restricts himself in presenting the most useful principles and avoids unnecessary texts. He puts his logical observations while presenting the topics. He covers the following great works in this volume.
1. Dhruva Naadi ( Satya Jataka)
2. Universally applicable rules from Chandra Kala Naadi
3. Bhrighu Nandi Naadi
From Modern works he selects applicable Naadi principles of
1. Stellar system that uses Component of Panchanga
2. Stellar system that uses Jeeva and Sareera principle
3. Stellar system that uses Dasha Bhukti divisions in zodiac
Throughout the book he uses an example horoscope to establish the applicability of the rules in different Naadi systems .

Rs 350.00

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit

In this book the author has tried to explain effects of transit of inner and outer planets, influence of ashtakvarga on transit and preparation of various Vargas. Result of retrograde planets in transit, Transit and Eclipse fructification of events with the help of double / triple transit and synthesis of dasha and sarvatobhadra chakra. Use of transit in birth rectification, longevity, progeny, marriage calculation etc. various factors which modify transit influence have also been discussed.

Rs 325.00

Vedic Astrology in Money Matters

This book provides a comprehensive and cogent astrological methodology to lend meaningful support to the speculators and investors in stock markets for taking timely and prudent decisions to accentuate gains and to avert losses. It intends to cover the fundamental and potent astro-combinations allied to money matters. For those who dabble in stock and bullion markets, the efficacy of Sarvatobhadra Chakra an ancient tool, has been aptly demonstrated. Besides, the book deals with the entire range of business astrology and presents a compact reading in a lucid form.

Having been encouraged with fervent response of the esteemed readers, the third edition is revised and enlarged. For their benefit, a trail of stock share movement of eventful year 2008 of a primeval and leading company of textile industry of the country has been thoroughly analysed over astrological format. The results are conformed not only with SVB Chakra but also with epoch chart after suitably corroborating to the stated astral principles and axioms. Besides, radical chart of Bombay Stock Exchange has also been illustrated and analysed. In addition, the historical chart of BSE from 2008 to 2010 is displayed for validation on SVB Chakra. Trust, this enlarged edition will impart ingenious and creative material to the inspired readers.

All the chapters are subject specific and are complete in itself. The broad sense of each uniquely scripted chapter is condensed in the preface and a quick perusal of which will give rich flavour of the book.

Rs 550.00

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology (REMEDIES)

In this book he has dwelt with the various remedies ranging from yoga, mantra, pooja, colour therapy and other methods. This is a comprehensive book where the remedies have been related to various planets and their effect. The author has tried to compile the various remedies that are available in the public domain and that have been learnt from experience so that it could be beneficial to both the common man and those interested in the science of astrology.

Rs 500.00

Bhaargava Naadika

The title Bhaargava Naadika indicates that the book is based on the Naadi system of prediction prevalent in the Southern states of India. It is believed that Shri Bhaargava (Lord Parashu Raama, one of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu) is the author / compiler of this book. Dasa results mentioned in this book are similar to Vimshottari system of Dasa predictions.
One of the most important features of this book is that the results are given for Pratyantar Dasa, Sookshma Dasa and Praana Dasa of the Lord of the respective Mahaa Dasa in addition to the results given for various Mahaa Dasaas and Antar Dasaas. Another good feature is that the results of Dasaas of various planets when placed from the Lord of the Mahaa Dasa in operation are also given.

Rs 315.00

Bhrigu Nadi Principles (Profession & Life style through Saturn & Jupiter)

This book is unique and very handy for the Astrologers to look into the profession and lifestyle of an individual as per Brighu Naadi Astrology. The author has given different methods to know the type of profession, date of entering into the profession etc., by using the placement of Saturn. The case study given in the book is for easy learning the techniques of knowing the pattern of an individual’s profession. In the second part the author has given the guidelines for the readers to know the lifestyle and achievements of the individuals by studying the distance of Jupiter from the other planets. The Author in his book has given easy and precise methods to know the happenings of the incidents in an individual’s life by observing the planets touched by the transiting Jupiter. Author’s main aim is to provide the readers easy methods for precise predictions of profession and lifestyle of an individual.

Rs 225.00

The Play of Planets in Houses: A Bhrigu Analysis Part two (7 to 12 House)

This is a book that has ventured into partially explored territory. There is no old classical work that deals with planets in houses and signs both at the same time. Some attempts have been made in recent years. The meager literature that is available does not base itself on classical information. The descriptions are also couched in language of the yore. It does not state the effects in terms of modern idiom. This book addresses the deficiency in a reasonably detailed manner and it is going to be a mandatory addition to all astrological literature shelves.

Rs 550.00

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra & Annual Horoscopy

Tajik is an important aspect in the journey of our understanding various aspects of Astrology .This is the endeavor of the encyclopedia. In this book the author has divided the study primarily in two parts. The first part dealing with various factors like the yoga, aspects and so on with an explanation of factors that makes Tajik different and unique. The second part dwells in the predictive aspects with illustrations. This book will surely evince the interest of the beginners as well as others who are in research or predictive astrology.

Rs 175.00