Analysis of Marriage through Astrology

The subject of the book is marriage. At present, the numbers of domestic violence and conjugal disturbance are increasing day by day which attracted the attention of the Author to study the matter seriously. He took the marriage as the subject for his dissertation paper in M.A. examination and did much research work on it. This research works has been compiled in the form of a book which is named as “Analysis of Marriage through Astrology” It contains the principles of astrology and significations of planets, rashis, bhavas, nakshtras etc., in the first few chapters. Thereafter combinations of marriage, conditions for controlled sex life in man and woman, loose characters, number of marriage, late marriage, unmarried etc, have been dwelt upon. Mangal Dosh has been dealt with elaborately because wrong conception about it has been propagated in the society causing a great problem to the parents of the bride and the groom, A new approach in the matter of Marriage match-making h
as been given separately in a very scientific way. A chapter on the children (Santan) i.e. begetting of child, pleasure from the child etc has been given. A separate chapter has been given on the muhurta of marriage which is very important but is seldom followed by the pundits and priests seriously and meticulously. A separate chapter, horary marriage, has been added for those who do not have their detailed birth data. A chapter on the longevities of bride and groom has been added. Many methods have been given for calculation of longevity but a complete new idea, concept and methods of calculation of longevity on the basis of the bhogya nakshatras of lagna, 3rd bhava centre, and 8th bhava centre, Sun, Moon and Saturn have been given. It is worth reading.

Prof. Basistha Tiwari
Rs 175.00

Vastu Shastra (Based on Classics)

In this book the principles of Vastu as propounded in our ancient books that are MUST have been explained in a manner that can be comprehended by everyone. The essentials ENERGY SOURCES are air, sunlight, and the cosmos energy. These with the knowledge of energy flow assigned to different sectors (Agni, Varun, Yam etc) and directions (Eeshan – North East for prayers, South – East for Agni etc) have been accounted while explaining the basics. They are important for creating subtle energies which provide for mental peace and happiness in a property and related to you as an energy source too.
This book can be used as a ready referral by all. It would be very useful while you start construction or reworking a property. The energy flow can correct impressions that are important for peace. The author is sure that readers will find this book interesting. It can be used by all in various walks of life.

Rs 165.00

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas

This is the second book in the series and is very important. The book covers five hundred yogas such as Rajyogas, Dhanyogas, Nabhasyogas, yogas related to the Sun & the Moon, trikone houses, parivartan yogas, yogas for marriage & progeny.Yogas for penury, ayur and arishta yogas.
Each chapter of yogas explains the importance of strength and time of fructifications through illustrations.

Rs 300.00

The Play of Planets in Houses: A Bhrigu Analysis Part one (1 to 6 House)

This is a book that has ventured into partially explored territory. There is no old classical work that deals with planets in houses and signs both at the same time. Some attempts have been made in recent years. The meager literature that is available does not base itself on classical information. The descriptions are also couched in language of the yore. It does not state the effects in terms of modern idiom. This book addresses the deficiency in a reasonably detailed manner and it is going to be a mandatory addition to all astrological literature shelves.

Rs 650.00

Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planets, Signs & Houses

The notion that astrologers can unfold lives and reveal what waits at the next bend is a thought that comes to all and populist claims have inspired the author to come up with a series of books that will discuss the various aspects in astrology, putting together the research and findings by various groups and the experience gained during his journey. The purpose of the encyclopedia is an attempt to put a clear understanding of the process of astrology, taking into account the first basic principles and dealing with different topics. The encyclopedia which would consist of over eighteen books, is intended to be brought out over a period of two years. These would cover the basics in astrology and then go on to the predictive techniques, the nadi astrology, tajik, yogas, nakshatras, rectification of birth time, vargas, dashas, mundane prashna, muhurta, remedy and other aspects of interest. The advantage of this would be that both students and those who want to pursue research can progress the understanding of this science in a systematic manner. Also the complete set will be of great value to those in India and abroad who want to understand various levels and will give them the flexibility of dwelling into the complexities in a coherent manner. With the growing interest to learn this science in various countries, the readers there will find this series of books very useful.
This is the first book in the series and is the most important. The foundation is based on the principles of basic astrology propounded by various schools of thought. The book covers signs, their impact, the planetary impact in each sign, the role of depositors, details on each planet and their relationship when in aspect and in the divisional charts as also the complexities they can pose. This book attempts at conveying that the basic importance has to be given to the planets, their placement and various relationship as a result of the same. The yogas, dasha, nakshatras etc. will be dealt in the other books that follow, but all have to be applied keeping in mind the first basic principles that are being enumerated in this book.

Rs 600.00

Practical Astrology (Key Highlights)

The book has been arranged in such a manner that starting with the event called birth, it progresses to give practical hints on judging the various aspects of a horoscope, e.g. how to correct an error in the recorded time of birth, how to evaluate a horoscope by studying important houses and planets, how to look for and find out an agreeing spouse, how to detect any unfavourable planetary position in a horoscope etc. The author will be contented if the book serves as an aid to those interested in the subject.

Rs 100.00

Secrets of Birth Time Rectification

This is a book that tries to present all the available ancient birth rectification methods in a systematic manner. Most of the things the author has learnt about ancient Birth Time Rectification methods are included. The information this book provides would be useful to the astrology students and scholars alike. The author has sincerely approached this subject and shared with you all what he could collect and understand.

Rs 100.00

Basics of Nakshatra Padhathi (Marriage, Profession & Health)

This book contains
1) Stellar system in astrology
2) Significations of Nodes
3) Marriage and Dasha Vidhana Ponthanam
4) Placement of Stars in Rashi Chakra or Zodiac Wheel
5) Dasha Vidhana Ponthanam
6) Vadha Vainashika Dosha
7) Dasha Sandhi
8) Matching Points for Stars
9) Marriage Matching
10) Sahams or Sensitive Points
11) Timing of the Marriage
12) Kuja (Sevai) Dosha or Manglik
13) Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn
14) 7th Lord with 6/8/12 Connection
15) Lunacy and Mental illness
16) Blindness
17) Alcoholism by Spouse
18) Imprisonment or Jail Yoga.
19) Divorce and Dual Marriage
20) Delay in Birth of Children
21) Charity or Spendthrift

Rs 270.00

Browse Your Future through Numerology (along with an interpretation of tarot cards)

Numerology is an interesting and fascinating subject. This book helps the reader to browse his/her future with the aid of Numerology. This book has been developed keeping in view, both the beginner as well as the professional. One chapter is devoted for interpretation of the Tarot cards, as the pictures depicted by the Tarot cards help in a deeper understanding and interpretation of numbers. This will further help the reader to understand the mystic forces which are constantly at play in the lives of human beings.
In this book the author has followed the Chaldean system standardized by Cheiro as the author feels that this system is the best system in numerology. However, there are also other systems of numerology followed by a great many people.

Rs 225.00

Kaala Chakra Dasha System

Kaala Chakra Dasha is unanimously proclaimed as the most efficacious directional system, yet even the top ranking astrologers are not using the system consistently because the percentage of correct predictions based exclusively on Kaala Chakra Dasha System has been very low so far. The only plausible explanation that can be offered is that the methodology used was incorrect. Now this book places before you for the first time a conceptual model of the Kaala Chakra to help you understand the constitution, dynamics and methodology of the Kaala Chakra Dasha System. Correct method as propounded in the classical texts, enabling you to make 100% correct predictions. The amazing law of excitation for timing of events with a high level of precision and hitherto unrevealed. Secrets of analyzing the divisional charts and giving you unprecedented insight into natal astrology plus correct and exhaustive dasha / bhukti tables. Giving you freedom from lengthy and confounding calculations.

Rs 525.00

Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles

Stock Market Astrology & Astrological Theory of Business Cycles is the first ever systematic work on the astrological influences on stock markets and the stock prices, based on 11 years of aggressive research carried out with the wisdom gained through 20 years of professional experience in the field of astrology. There has been a persistent demand for some dependable method of predicting the stock markets with greater accuracy and this book will hopefully fill that gap successfully. The language of the book is simple and the complex astrological principles were also explained in a very simple manner that anyone, with little knowledge of astrology, can easily grasp these principles to predict the business cycles, periods of economic recession, panic and the direction of the stock prices successfully and use them accordingly for trading in the stock markets.
The fundamental idea behind this book was that the stock markets are governed by the investor sentiments of greed and fear and the fact remains true that all the human sentiments, whether the sentiment of greed or fear, are governed by the astrological influences on the human brains, which drives the brain to take any buying or selling decision in the markets.

Rs 275.00

Your Stars & Married Life

On the basis of astrological studies of birth charts which amply reveal in advance, the physical characteristics, mental aptitude or nature of spouse, background of in-laws family, happy or troubled married life, joy or sorrow from progeny etc.supporting of being preordained.
In this book, attempts have been made to categories (or call of condensing), the knowledge from various sources for those who have developed or are anxious to develop interest in astrology.Part-1 Marriage and related matters Part -2 Astrological studies of female characteristics Part-3 Children

Rs 315.00

Prashna Hora (Horary Astrology & Cosmic Psyche in Classical & Nadi)

This book deals with Horary Astrology in general and Naadi Prashna Hora in particular. The author has included brain wave psychology establishing the origin of question and the functional conscious theory. He has merged the philosophy of karma with super conscious and hardwired mechanism in brain functions besides proving that the occult matters dealt in Prashna Marga are the science of highest order which can be proved by neuroscience. In his conscious theory he brought out the relationship of Kendra and Kona houses and the other houses which are resultant interchanging transitory effect between Kendra and Kona and vice versa. The primary importance given to Kendra in Shatpanchasikha is well established in a separate chapter. With unfailing principles in Naadi supported by ample practical case studies, this book is a perfect guide to horary astrology.

Rs 275.00

Celestial Matrix in Naadi Astrology

A unique system of analysis based on zonal effect of rasis and planets posited therein and influenced by other planets from specified places is the main principle of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi expounded by R.G.Rao of Bangalore. Based on his works earlier book “Prediction Secrets- Naadi Astrology” was published.
In the process of experimentation with the combination of the planets it was found that every birth has a set-pattern of planetary positions. The matrix formed at macro level indicates the purpose of the birth. At micro level with zonal and star influences detailed study of nativity will reveal many secrets. The star level needs to be explored with details of stars from the sacred texts. But the place of birth having different Year Lords, Month Lord the Day Lord, Hora Lord and Sub Hora Lord have equal influence in differentiating nativities. In this book an effort is made to identify the matrix at macro level for certain births.
A deep analysis with the aid of Hora Lords etc. will definitely give the purpose of birth. Even with little efforts we can go to previous births. The horoscope of yogis are dealt with reference to Sub Hora Lords. There is also an example of analysing horoscopes having similar planetary combinations.
This is a beginning of research in Naadi Astrology and the days are not far to reach the truth behind the Celestial Matrix influenced by subtle bodies. This is a handbook on Naadi System for the students and astrologers to develop further in the subject.

Rs 100.00

Orbital Providence (Scholarly Exposition on Naadi Astrology)

This book deals with set pattern of karma for a particular individual which is again based on orbital providence. The effect of space significations and the dynamic planetary significations of each individual denotes the purpose of life. This Orbital Providence is a secret which can be analysed through Naadi system. The author, in this scholarly exposition sets the pattern to delineate karma of individuals from different walks of life. He also suggests necessary modifications to celestial significations. Several components from classical astrology are being re-introduced to fit in to Naadi astrology. With the restricted fundamentals, which forms part of essential reading, the author includes new techniques throughout the example. Doubts on Naadi system are clarified in a separate chapter.

Rs 200.00

Revelation from Naadi Jyotisha

The present research work on the Naadi is unique in its presentation and it has many hitherto untold secrets of astronomy relating to astrology. Many astronomical mechanisms are set in astrological aphorisms to delineate material and metaphysical aspects of life. In this work the author has established every rule with practical examples enabling to grasp logic in application. Apart from giving detailed method to study the horoscope, many remedial measures are given to overcome inimical effects of planets. This book is divided into many sections catering the needs of novice to expert in the field of astrology. In the 2nd part of the book the author introduced the team efforts in the field of classical works and rare remedial measures. This book is a treasure of knowledge and worth a prime place in personal library.

Rs 750.00

Mundane Astrology

The following is the USP of the book
1) Predictions, which have come true, are used for examples. The logic behind is clearly written.
2) Different areas like politics, sports, yearly predictions, and celebrity analysis are covered.
3) One of the largest collections of predictions, which have come true.
4) New Nadi methods on transits are given.
5) Easy to use like a manual.
6) Simple ways of becoming a good mundane astrologer.
7) Easy logical flow of chapters

Rs 275.00

Charisma of Trikone Houses

In any horoscope, the 1st, 5th & 9th houses are considered to be the most auspicious ones. It is believed that the soul enters the world through 5th house of Poorva Janam Karma to the ascendant in the form of human body and exit through the 9th house after completing the Karma assigned for the present birth through 10th house. These three houses together constitute the spiritual or Dharma Trikone, which primarily aims at transforming the native to a higher stage of evolution through their Divine faculties and creativity. Their lords irrespective of their natural traits, are favourable to a native leading to greater happiness. The ascendant is always the most beneficial house and its lord the most helpful planet, which guides and assists the native in all walks of life. The houses constituting Dharma Trikone reveal many special features of the native’s destiny through his sojourn during the present incarnation.
As per classics, there are four goals of human life, Dharma, Artha, Kaam & Moksha. Classics have extolled Dharma & Moksha and looked down Artha & Kaam. But Materialistic world of today has just the opposite view. Corresponding to the four goals are the four Trikones in any chart. All the four trikones have their Apex in a Kendra house, which indicates the involvement of the native in immediate / everyday life. There is no denying the prominence of Dharma Trikone, but to ignore the other three will be a Himalayan blunder. In fact all the four Trikones are dependent on Artha Trikone for sustenance and all the progress, we see around us, originates and get accomplished in Kaam Trikone.

Rs 270.00