Predicting the Nifty & Sensex -
Medical Astrology -
Longevity and Un-natural Deaths -
Understanding Vimshottari Dasa -
Charisma of Planets: Timing Events -
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Your Profession (Ups & Downs with Remedial Measures) -
A Guide to Palmistry -
Delineating a Horoscope -
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Dasa Systems -
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity -
An Analytical & Innovative Approach to Astrology -
ROGA-MARGA (The Strength of Ayurvedic Treatment) -
Roots of Naadi Astrology -
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit -
Vedic Astrology in Money Matters -
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology (REMEDIES) -
Bhaargava Naadika -
Bhrigu Nadi Principles (Profession & Life style through Saturn & Jupiter) -
The Play of Planets in Houses: A Bhrigu Analysis Part two (7 to 12 House) -
Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra & Annual Horoscopy