This book is authored to serve the purpose of learning of astrology by a fresh learner of astrology with ease and an easy understanding of the subject of basics of astrology. It encompasses the basic concepts of Vedic astrology, which are vitally needed to be known, before proceeding ahead to learn astrology and its essence. In fact, it is a summarized chronicle of the summation of the various fundamental astrological parameters, with detailing on the mathematical astrology, when it can be used as a reference book for various astrological calculations too.
Knowing astrology without a proper grip on the fundamentals of astronomy, which is the base of astrology, is to have an incomplete knowledge of the subject of applied astrology, like any other applied science. Astrology is a systematic study of the role of the stars, called as the heavenly bodies in common language. The movement or the functioning of these heavenly bodies are linked to the science of astronomy. So, before mapping such heavenly bodies for astrological studies, the basic knowledge of astronomy is of dire need. An attempt has been made in this book to achieve that purpose as well, to a greater extent possible.
It is very much necessary to have an accurate knowledge of mathematical part of astrology, before one casts a horoscope and locates its astrological strength, in respect of its planets and houses. This book has enough relevance to the mathematical part of the astrology to cast a horoscope, viz, the main birth chart, the divisional charts and other allied mathematical parameters of astrology relevant to the predictive part of astrology. The initial relevant chapters of this book encompass the fundamental principles of astrological parameters for knowing the essential segments of astronomy relevant to the practical side of astrology and its mathematical calculations, which is the basis of the configurations of the birth charts or to say the horoscopes, for using these as the fundamental tools for predictive purposes. The subsequent chapters of this book deals with the essential aspects of mathematical astrology, necessary for the correct computation of the horoscopes according to the well laid out principles of astrological parameters.
Similarly chapters carrying relevant information about the various planets and their strengths and characteristics, the details of various astrological signs (rashi’s), nakhshtras, houses (bhavas) along with their characters etc., are encompassed in this book in detail. This book also covers chapters about the Vimshottari dasha, Yogini dasha, divisional charts, Upgrahas, Panchang, etc., in detail.
Hope this book serves the purpose of being a chronicle of both astronomical and the mathematical side of astrology.
Rs 350.00