Cosmic Promise of Children


This extensively researched book delves into the realm of children, seeking to bridge the wisdom found in classical texts with the ever-evolving challenges of contemporary life. Within its pages lie over 60 illuminating case studies, each offering meticulous scrutiny of subjects ranging from adoption and IVF to surrogacy and, intriguingly, the uncharted territory of frozen eggs. Notably, all horoscopes featured in this book are drawn from the personal databank of the authors, making it an indispensable resource for budding astrologers embarking on their journey and seasoned practitioners venturing further into the enchanting universe of astrology.

Rs 325.00


Kaam Ratan Tantra

The Sanskrit word ‘Tantra’ derives from the verbal root tan, meaning ‘to weaves’, or ‘compose’, and refers to a type of instructional text, often written as a dialogue between Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. This book deals with the Tantric-shat-Karma, via., Shanti, Vashi Karana, Stambhan, Vidveshan, Uchchatan, and Marana. Besides it also deals with Mercurial treatment and other problems being dealt by a man and woman in their life. The sadhana under those heads is chiefly performed for malevolent purposes, which is called abhichara. It is all the more necessary to preserve what exists of these relics of the past because in modern life there is danger of their disappearance and records of them may be lost for ever. They may be forgotten and records of them may be lost for ever.  This book has been collected from the archives of Kamakhaya Anusandhan Sansthan where it was kept in safe custody for centuries and it was our endeavour to translate it into English for our esteemed readers.

Rs 425.00

Marriage & Its Parameters Through Astrology(with Illustrations)

Marriage is one of the most sacred and pious social events of life in the context of Indian culture. It is solemnized to become a vital bond between the two marrying partners who are mostly two different human souls of opposite sex. It can thus fill one’s life with immense and perpetual joy or it can mean otherwise as well. It has in fact a cosmic relevance for the continuance of the mankind and humanity in the universe. The union of the two persons of opposite sexes makes the beginning or the commissioning of a new family. Marriage is a part of our culture almost since the creation of humanity. It is a socially approved union ship or relationship between two individuals of opposite sex, to call themselves as life partners after marriage. The family grows by the birth of the children, which is a direct manifestation of destiny. So marriage and matters related to it are destined or destiny related as per “Shastra’s” and Vedic philosophy, which is the crux of the human existence. There is a well-known saying which says that the “Marriages are settled in heaven and celebrated on Earth”. So the importance of the faculty of marriage and its longevity, can well be understood as a subject of one’s destiny. How to synthesize it astrologically for having a prosperous marriage with its marital bliss throughout one’s life time? Vedic astrology has the answer. An attempt has been made in this book to explain various astrological parameters relevant to marriage and its longevity. In this book scores of birth charts along with the relevant divisional charts, have been made use of in various chapters of this book, to justify various events of life linked to the issues of marriage, like timing of marriage, normal marriage, delayed marriage, disturbed marriage, love marriage, out of cast marriage, denial of marriage, widowhood and widower hood in marriage, match making in marriage and the like in detail, with exemplary astrologically explanations pertaining to the actual relevance’s of such cases and events.

Hope this book will serve as a probable guide for the astrologers and the students of astrology in particular in identifying the various parameters of marriage and its longevity both for predictions and learning.

Rs 750.00

Dasa Pravesh Chakra

Dasa Pravesh Chakra is the traditional yardstick used by the ancient seers in Vedic astrology. The significant precise module first ever of its kind is now available in the form of this book is very useful to decode the secret knowledge. No methodology is competitive in the system can replace Dasa Pravesh Chakra for its specific recognition.

This book includes study of DNA analysis of  planetary movement and their placement described that how does it effective in real life case studies. The author ensured the readers that they will keep their interest to synchronize with this value added comprehensive scientific tool.

Rs 300.00

70 Dasas of Jaimini

The Andhra Pradesh is the hub of Jaimini system. Because the more number of Jaimini system scholars are hailed from Andhra Pradesh only, the Sanskrit commentators on Jaimini Sutra are also mostly from the A.P itself, it is a truth and not an hyperbole. Jaimini system is a unique tool in the astrological fraternity. Really Sage Jaimini name itself is a crazy one. But no one knows, even the names of the 70 Dasas, and understand and studied the Dasa system properly except 5 or 7 Dasas. This book is discussed about all 70 Dasa systems and its practical application along with wide examples. I think it is very much useful for jaimini lovers as lake as a Bhardwaj feast. If any Astrologer should take any of 2 or 3 Dasa system out of these 70 Dasas, would be more practical and it will also become a cross check tool of accuracy. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. To understand the real meaning of the Dasa system, I consulted and thoroughly studied the ancient and modern scholar’s books and un-published manuscripts. I am very much debited for their knowledge.

Rs 500.00

Vaastu Shastra For Everyone

Vaastu Shastra For Everyone is a guide that helps you understand the basic principles of Vaastu and then apply these in your daily lives. It helps you navigate your specific set of circumstances, inviting Vaastu energy into your spaces.

The book shares the origins of Vaastu and the basis of the science and takes you through the critical principles that impact your living spaces and the people functioning within, as well as the individual outcomes based on how your spaces are arranged.

It discusses the principles that impact open and closed spaces, plots, their shapes and boundaries, and how to arrange the different spaces, building materials, water bodies and terrains.

Whether you are about to purchase a property or are already living in one, you can adapt the principles you learn in this book to bring about positive and healthy outcomes in your life. The book will enable you to live in a holistic space, creating, enhancing, and sustaining positive outcomes. If you are facing any issues in your life, the book will also help you pinpoint the causes based on the arrangement of the spaces you occupy.

Using these principles, you can have Vaastu energy strengthening your life and those of your family and friends too.

Rs 550.00

My experiences with Medical Astrology

This book has been written to combine astrological and medical aspects of diseases.How planets play an important role in causing diseases. Being a doctor , medical astrology can be better understood by doctors only , otherwise astrologers should be well versed with medical science which is rare.This book includes detailed explanations of planets and their role in causing diseases and how they contribute to type and timing of diseases and surgeries. Hopefully this book will be helpful for budding astrologers.

Rs 200.00

Watch Predictive Technique

Watch Predictive Technique is a Unique Book designed to make use of Time in most efficient way. This is the first book which allows Non-Astrologers also to understand and use the application. The author has broken the secrets locked in Astrology and come with a solution, which can be used by one and all, in all their activities from Dawn to Night. The result and achievement of WPT was proved beyond doubts already.

This technique can be extensively used in all fields – education, Office, Factory, Hospitals, Health centers, Agriculture, all departments of Government, Students, employees, employers, Ministers, Human resources, Doctors, Advocates, can achieve remarkable results if they select Auspicious Time as directed by WPT and use it. Simplicity in using the language is the specialty of the book.

Rs 275.00

Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology for Beginners

This book is authored to serve the purpose of learning of astrology by a fresh learner of astrology with ease and an easy understanding of the subject of basics of astrology. It encompasses the basic concepts of Vedic astrology, which are vitally needed to be known, before proceeding ahead to learn astrology and its essence. In fact, it is a summarized chronicle of the summation of the various fundamental astrological parameters, with detailing on the mathematical astrology, when it can be used as a reference book for various astrological calculations too.

Knowing astrology without a proper grip on the fundamentals of astronomy, which is the base of astrology, is to have an incomplete knowledge of the subject of applied astrology, like any other applied science. Astrology is a systematic study of the role of the stars, called as the heavenly bodies in common language. The movement or the functioning of these heavenly bodies are linked to the science of astronomy. So, before mapping such heavenly bodies for astrological studies, the basic knowledge of astronomy is of dire need. An attempt has been made in this book to achieve that purpose as well, to a greater extent possible.

It is very much necessary to have an accurate knowledge of mathematical part of astrology, before one casts a horoscope and locates its astrological strength, in respect of its planets and houses. This book has enough relevance to the mathematical part of the astrology to cast a horoscope, viz, the main birth chart, the divisional charts and other allied mathematical parameters of astrology relevant to the predictive part of astrology. The initial relevant chapters of this book encompass the fundamental principles of astrological parameters for knowing the essential segments of astronomy relevant to the practical side of astrology and its mathematical calculations, which is the basis of the configurations of the birth charts or to say the horoscopes, for using these as the fundamental tools for predictive purposes. The subsequent chapters of this book deals with the essential aspects of mathematical astrology, necessary for the correct computation of the horoscopes according to the well laid out principles of astrological parameters.

Similarly chapters carrying relevant information about the various planets and their strengths and characteristics, the details of various astrological signs (rashi’s), nakhshtras, houses (bhavas) along with their characters etc., are encompassed in this book in detail. This book also covers chapters about the Vimshottari dasha, Yogini dasha, divisional charts, Upgrahas, Panchang, etc., in detail.

Hope this book serves the purpose of being a chronicle of both astronomical and the mathematical side of astrology.

Rs 350.00

Sun Astro Numerology

Internationally renowned celebrity Astro Numerologist, Motivational Speaker, Counsellor & Author Prof. Ashok  Bhatia has touched the lives of people.

Prof. Ashok Bhatia, author of Vedic Astro Numerology, Hora Astro Numerology, Vedic Mahan Vastu and founder of ISVAN School of Vedic Astro Numerology Association was a commerce lecturer in a University. His passion is Numerology. He has been doing research work on numerology since 35 years. He has given new dimensions to the Traditional Numerology. He has emerged as a Modern Numerologist.

Before this book “SUN ASTRO NUMEROLOGY” his popular books in  English are:

  1. Vedic Astro Numerology
  2. Hora Astro Numerology

The problems coming in the life of human being can be solved by following the directions given in this book.

Rs 600.00

Nadi Texts Excerpts & Predictive Methods

The book is about predictive methods applied in practical astrology and is research work. This book is based on applied methods in Vedika Jyotisha. The book is a step towards synchronising natal, transit and dasha results in various ways produced as methods here.

Rs 475.00

Navamsha & its Importance in Vedic Astrology

Maharishi Parashara has attributed enough importance to the Navamsha, when the Navamsha chart is equally treated as the primary basic chart, along with Rasi chart, while analyzing a horoscope for predictive purposes. In this direction this book has been written to explain the purposefulness of Navamsha in the domain of astrological studies, laying enough stress on the various useful astrological parameters of Navamsha, which give minute clues about the predictive techniques and its usages in the domain of its applications. This book is well structured and well illustrated, providing relevant answers to various hidden componential astrological parameters of Navamsha and its offshoots.

The fundamental focus of this book is to make a student of astrology or even an astrologer to understand and comprehend the salient features of Navamsha and its application, when proper and appropriate care has been taken to explain such of the utilities of the sub factors of Navamsha through well explained birth charts of proven events and consequences. More than a dozen such time tested birth charts of various celebrities and personalities have been discussed in this book with a solemn attempt to trace out the astrological predictions with perfect accuracies, while getting such astrological predictions and predicaments confirmed through the medium of Navamsha too.

Hope this book serves the purpose of elucidating the depths of the Navamsha in astrological parlance to the extent possible.

Rs 400.00

Lal Kitab Astro Palmistry

In Indian Astrology there are five elements fire, earth air, water and ether. The master of fire is Mars, while Mercury is of earth, Saturn of air , Venus of water and Jupiter of ether.
The Astrology recognizes twelve zodiac signs which are called Rashis in Indian Astrology which corresponds to those in western astrology. The relation of the signs to the elements is the same in the two systems.
In fact, the link between Palmistry and astrology was not broken as both are practiced since Vedic period. No doubt palmistry has developed in its own signs and it is an art expanded considerably through in its connection to the more mysterious art of astrology.
Palmistry is known as Hasta Samudrik Shastra and considered as an innate part of Vedic Astrology. If Palm reading is conducted from a Vedic point of view an individual can introspect his/her life in a better fashion. Lal Kitab is best example to understand Astro-Palmistry.
Hands have been divided into 12 zodiac signs and the position of Planets have been fixed according to the cannons of Palmistry.
When it comes to accuracy, it is said that Astrology is more accurate in casting timing of event in comparison to Palmistry.

Rs 500.00

Synthesis Method of Prediction

The Art of Prediction is a complex process which is not discussed fully in any single classical text although in each of them very valuable inputs necessary for carrying out the activity in different ways are provided at various places. This book on the ‘Synthesis Method of prediction’ deals with a step-by-step technique of systematically synthesising and integrating all those information related to different ways of prediction contained in major classical texts of Parashara system. It seeks to standardise the technique of prediction and explain the Predictive Art in detail in a single volume for the first time along with all relevant rules compiled from the classics. The actual method is formulated in three stages viz., Analysis, Synthesis & Prediction with multiple steps in each stage covering almost all aspects of predictive Astrology. This book contains many innovative and practically very useful concepts like identifying the Principal, Supporting and Associated houses, identifying the common areas of operation, judging the complementary and supplementary influences, different types of interlinks among the Planets, Signs and houses, the art of counselling, general niceties in prediction, checking the overriding influences in a chart, etc. It also throws some light on the use of many lesser known concepts like Bahya and Anthar bhavas, bhavath karaka, akaraka grahas, guna pinda of a house, Chadaka, Vedhaka, Bandhaka & Pratibandaka planets, maranasthanas of planets, karako bhava nashaya, dispositorship, etc besides sharing many secret tips based on the practical experience of the author. The book contains 26 chapters with 30 illustrations and 22 tables. The main text of this book was originally published as a series of articles in Express Star Teller from June 2015 to October 2019. The contents in chapters 19 to 26 have been revised and rewritten for the book with significant inclusions.

Rs 650.00

Parashar Hora (2 vols)

The special focus of this book is to make the ardent readers aware of the salient features of this Vedic text on astrology and how it is distinct from the other transcripts on the subject, available thus far. Great concerted efforts were made to collect, collate and combine all the available manuscripts and other related published material contributed by the eminent contemporary writers and commentators and then the sequence of subject matters is aligned to make it comprehensible and authentic. The name of this holistic text is also as per the ancient statement and record, namely ‘Parasara Hora’. This book adduces certain critical and important features which were never attempted before.

This book in one hundred chapters falls in line with the description or narration: “होरा शताध्यायी सर्व पाप विनाशिनी verse as appeared in the Uttara Khanda of the text collated by Shridhar. Amongst the other contemporary writers of such treatise, Sitaram Jha, Devchandra Jha, Tarachand Shastri to name a few, have formatted this text covering between 71 and 101 chapters, but in most of the cases 20 odd chapters were not from ‘Hora Shastra’. These details are available in the introductory note: ‘The specialties of this book’. This note also minutely explains the deletion of inapt Shlokas, the addition of relevant Shlokas and also some Shlokas have been rearranged purposefully so are the chapters. Besides, the treatment of some of the subjects is so unique that will fill the void for the readers to experience. These 20 odd supplementary researched chapters culled out of the published and manuscript materials are unavailable in any text of the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra (BPHS) of the present time. Trust with this value addition, the esteem readers will get immensely benefited.

Rs 1000.00


Actually, this book is propelled by the power of a couple of shlokas that opened up the new horizon to ease applicational parts of Muhurtha. Something else, there is an armada of books of Muhurtha that rehashes similar stuff in various dialects including English. Classics on this subject are perfectly clear in their suggestions with numerous discretionary computational information, that should go into outlining an intergalactic time span for the ideal occasion. The round of understanding endured in the possession of the lesser-known or unrelated self-claimed experts. In fact, the muhurtha is the symphony of interference of invisible parallel world that demonstrates its concurrence either to benefit or loss of an undertaking in the physical plane.

Universally set such stage needs wisdom to individualise to suit the desired event for a profitable progress. This art of synthesis is beautifully orchestrated with several microscopic alternatives to set in tune.

  1. Explores many divisional components.
  2. Art of synchronizing the Tara or Chandra bala
  3. Explores the fineness of muhurtha, with details of, Thithi and its Thityamsha, Vara and Hora, Nakshatra and its Muhurtha and Naadika parts, with all micro Yogas, avoidable, exemptions are all discussed in respective chapters.
  4. Importance of Naadika
  5. Ceremonies and Muhurtha
  6. Besides classical Muhurtha, Shiva Muhurtha, Bhargava Naadika, Pancha Bhoota Tatwa, Grahakala muhurtha and their exclusive application is described.
  7. Most of the conventional Muhurtha events with their prescribed essentials will be handy for fixing Muhurtha.
  8. There are many traditional astrological planetary categorisation to decide their functions for each Lagna.
  9. Some of the secrets of Muhurtha, are directly linked to many of Astrological principles that shall be very much useful for Birth chart analysis.

This exercise manual on Muhurtha is valuable for Beginners and the Astrologers. It stimulates the clerics to investigate the choices endorsed by sages to fix Muhurtha.

Rs. 550

Wonders of Ashtakavarga

Readers may be surprised to see yet another book on the subject of Ashtakavarga. This book is Unique in many aspects and totally different from others – in telling from Basic Ashtakavarga Predictive Technique of delineating all 12 houses through SAV and revealing many Secrets available in Ashtakavarga System.

All applications are practical in nature and success in guaranteed in day-to-day activities, if applied. We are proud to publish this book, as it is a Prodigy Child of Astrology.

From the beginning to end, the method of telling the Techniques make the readers to sit on the edge of the chair, like a thrilling Novel. Hope the readers too, enjoy and apply for their day-to-day success.

Rs 160.00

School of Numerology

Numbers are very essential on all events of the universe. Each number from 1 to 9 is a cosmic code with its own characteristics, qualities, good and bad effects. This book of Numerology is the result of 35 years of experience of the author to help the people who have no time and inclination for laborious calculations. It will give the reader answers for any question with the help of a few basic requirements like time & date of birth. It also helps readers to know any person’s character, nature, attitude, and relationships, harmful effects etc.  The knowledge of numbers can be utilized in many ways, for getting rewarding result in day to day affairs or avoiding fatal incidents. This book is simple and scientific, and with a little dedication any reader can master the techniques of numerology.  In addition to these you can also find many unknown information’s of a person’s profession, spouse, family, nature of spouse when you go through the significations of the months.

Rs 120.00

700 Bhrugu Nadi Techniques with Examples

In ancient Indian astrology there are many methods to predict the future of the native correctly. In this juncture we have to think about the correctness of the time, some rude rules also reveal the exact year of the events or span of the life. But Nadi astrology had its own charisma and craze, because the rules are simple and correctness is mind blowing. The author selectively added the 700 techniques with examples. These are very simple to understand and very easy to predict by seeing the Rasi chart itself. We publishers think, this book is very much useful to the students and scholars also. We wish to come out with some more books like this, from his pen.

Rs 325.00

Glimpses of Jaimini Sutras

Jaimini sutras are ocean in a cup of water. These sutras are not popular with students and scholars owing to shortage of books dealing clearly with the principles. This system is unique. The aspects mentioned are the movable signs aspect all fixed signs expect the adjacent one. All fixed signs aspect all movable signs expect adjacent ones. All common signs aspect each other.

Introduction of variable karakas peculiar system of longevity, various types of dashas, different lagnas apart from mother lagna. We have tried to explain in a very simple terms. Once the sutras are understood result are stunning and source of pleasure and satisfaction. We have tried to make applicability simple. All rashis and bhavas are indicated by letters having numerical values. Counting of bhavas is forward for odd signs and backwards for even signs.

Rs 165.00